dmc germany | a5-Marketing GmbH, Berlin

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Free-Running in Berlin

It´s not really recommendable to imitate the follwing without expert advice and training:

But if you feel like learning it - contact us directly - please click here

Monday, September 7, 2009

Art beyond Means

Would you like to enjoy a private talk with one of Berlin´s private art collectors as your sparring partner? Then take a peek at their collections with your own guide and meet them.

Combine this tour with a workshop with real street artists. Your guests will explore the possibilities of producing art in the open. Set in a fitting location like an old unused factory they will use all kinds of media and ideas to create street art themselves.

The day ends with an impressive party in the same location involving all kinds of small performances of street artists, good food and current off-scene music. Meet the artists, experience breathtaking acts, that evolved from the streets to the stages of Europe: Dice Throwing, Jojo-Playing, Breakdancing and Contorsion, BMX-Bikers and so forth.

A program full of speed and urban lifestyle, a program that is very Berlin.

In any case Berlin is one of the leading European metropolis for young art - visit the Art Forum Berlin, the Preview Berlin or the Berliner Liste this autumn or come for an extended gallery tour as a part of your event.

Any question? Please contact us - please click here